
Day by Day with Srila Prabhupada

A 30 day meditation on the character and activities of the foremost teacher
of Vedic wisdom for the modern world.

I joined the Hare Krishna movement at the age of eighteen. I was interested in changing myself and helping others transform themselves for the better, and I continue working toward that goal. My service while based at New Govardhana, ISKCON of San Diego, for the past fifteen years, has been outreach—connecting with people and sharing information about Krishna consciousness. As part of that service, I speak at colleges and other venues. Several times I was invited to speak at a Catholic high school to address their World Religions class. On one such visit, after my speech concluded I was talking with a high school teacher. When I went to leave, he gave me a book titled Day by Day with Saint Augustine, by Donald X. Burt. I read it and found it uplifting and instructive. The book includes meditations for each day of the year. Each includes a short quote from Saint Augustine followed by a reflection from the author. They cover topics that spiritually inclined people can reflect on, such as the challenges of living a life of faith, spiritual friendship, God, and other elevating topics.

Books formatted this way are common in other spiritual traditions, so I became inspired by the idea of writing a similar book. Instead of a year, I would compile a 30-day series of pastimes and exchanges Śrīla Prabhupāda had with his disciples.

I found especially inspiring and instructive—followed by a reflection of mine.

I presented the idea to my guru, His Holiness Giriraj Swami Maharaja. I showed him Day by Day with Saint Augustine and explained the concept of writing a similar book about Śrīla Prabhupāda. He said, “That seems like a good proposal, and it will be very edifying for you to write about Śrīla Prabhupāda.” I also reached out to several other devotees, who all seemed to like the idea. Based on their encouragement, I have written this book about Śrīla Prabhupāda, and my hope is that my readers will be happy with this small contribution and become more absorbed and inspired in their service to Śrīla Prabhupāda and his sincere followers.

"I just read the first passage of your book to my husband and we were blown away by your insight and it engaged us in a great conversation about the topics discussed. How you articulate your thoughts was so brilliantly executed. This can be applied to so many people no matter where they are in their spiritual journey. We are looking forward to reading more."


Braja Mandala Devi Dasi